Weekly Schedule:
These are our weekly events, they will typically always happen or be running unless there is a “special” event, and even then we will do our best to keep these activities slotted and available to you guys!
- MTG: Pauper (6:30 pm)
- Free Entry
- 15-20 Available Decks if You Need One
- $4.00 MTG Boosters (Includes GST)
- 3 Rounds (50 Minutes)
- MTG: Budget Commander (9:00 pm)
- Free Entry
- $100 Budget (Use the Below Site to Budget)
- $4.00 MTG Boosters (Includes GST)
- Pathfinder Society
- Board Game Night (6:30 pm)
- Free Entry
- Large Selection of Games
- Game requests can be made (1 Days Notice)
- 10% Discount off a Board Game Purchase for showing up.
- DiceMasters (We usually do 1 Draft a Month) (6:30 pm)
- Constructed
- Free Entry
- Up to 20 Dice
- Up to 8 Characters
- Rainbow Draft
- Entry: Purchase 12 Booster Packs ($12 + GST)
- Up to 20 Dice
- Up to 8 Characters
- Constructed
- Force of Will Freeday Friday (6:30 pm)
- Format:
- New Frontiers (Normal)
- Last 2 Clusters
- Alice + Lapis
- Last 2 Clusters
- Wanderer (Last Friday of the Month)
- All North American Clusters
- Grim + Alice + Lapis
- All North American Clusters
- New Frontiers (Normal)
- Free Entry
- 3 Rounds, 1 Hour Each
- Prizes: Promo Points
- Format:
- Friday Night Magic (6:30 pm)
- Frontier Format
- Legal Sets
- M15
- Khans of Tarkir, Fate Reforged, Dragons of Tarkir
- Magic Origins
- Battle for Zendikar, Oath of the Gatewatch
- Shadows Over Innistrad, Eldritch Moon
- Kaladesh, Aether Revolt
- Legal Sets
- Entry: Buy a Snack/Drink
- Prizing: 3 Packs for 1st, 2 Packs for 2nd, 1 Pack for 3rd
- Frontier Format
- Pokemon League (Noon)
- Format: Expanded
- Entry: $6.00
- 1 Booster Pack for Entering
- 1 Booster Pack added to the Prizepool
- Yu-Gi-Oh Constructed (6:00 pm)
- Advanced Constructed
- Banlist: http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/
- Entry: $5.00
- Prizing: All Entry Goes Towards Prizing
- Advanced Constructed
- Force of Will Saturday Tournament
- New Frontiers (Normal)
- Last 2 Clusters
- Alice + Lapis
- Last 2 Clusters
- Wanderer
- All North American Clusters
- Grim + Alice + Lapis
- All North American Clusters
- Entry: $5.00
- Swiss Rounds
- Prizes: Promo Points + All Entry Towards Prizing
- New Frontiers (Normal)
- Magic the Gathering: League Day (All Day (People usually start stopping by around 1:00 pm))
- Entry: $12.00 (3 Packs) (One time purchase for the entire League duration)
- 1 New Pack Each Week or after 3 losses! ($4.00 a pack (includes GST))
- Prizing: Participation prizing at end of league depending on turn out.
- Drop in, sit down and play whoever is there
- Guild Ball League
- Coming Soon!
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Owner at The Gaming Vault
I've been playing games for a lot of years. Most of those years at least semi-competitively. I love tabletop games. My current favorites are: Force of Will, Magic the Gathering, Guild Ball, Warmachine, and an assortment of Board Games (Argent the Consortium is the best one though).
Latest posts by Blake (see all)
- Blake’s Weekly Rant – TCG Player’s Make No Sense - March 17, 2017
- FoW Event – March 4, 2017 (Pre-Release) - March 15, 2017
- FoW Event – March 3, 2017 (Pre-Release) - March 15, 2017